Flash Freeze Voucher Sale! Get spay-neuter vouchers for cats or dogs for use at the Leitchfield Vet Clinic. ($35 cats, $50 dogs) Vouchers available for Hart County residents only. Get BRAWA vouchers for cats any time at the Hart County Animal Shelter or ark4hart.org/shop - only $25.
Membership, donation, sponsorship - just click here. Donate online or use the printable form for mailing.
Learn more about ARK - click here.
We need folks who are willing to serve on ARK’s board. Fill out the simple application if interested. Because we are a working board, we will ask you to show your commitment to our mission by serving as a volunteer before joining the board, if you are not presently doing so.
Volunteer or Join ARK Youth Corps
Sign up to volunteer and share with us your time, talent and treasure, please! We always need help with voucher events, fostering, Trap-Neuter-Return, fundraising, technology, publicity, grant-writing, and much more. Whatever suits your talents and time! Kids can volunteer for the ARK Youth Corps.
ARK Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Project for Stray Cat Communities
TNR program is closed for this year after processing almost 200 kitties. We remain committed to humanely addressing the stray cat problem in our service area. We want to know where the stray cats hang out in Hart County. If you know of any cat colonies, we ask that you please click on the button below to fill out a brief form. Your fully-completed forms give us the necessary details on each cat colony that you report. You will be put on our waiting list.
Give Through Chewy.com
If you purchase pet supplies online through Chewy.com, please take a look for ARK’s information the next time you’re there. Or, you can use the code to go straight to our wishlist.
Pet Foster Families Needed for Temporary Homes
Sometimes pet owners must surrender their pets for various reasons, such as an owner's health concerns, moving to a new home that does not allow pets, or financial difficulties. ARK’s foster program is currently handling cats and kittens. The Hart County Animal Shelter handles the area’s needy dogs. If you are willing to foster dogs, please call the shelter at 270-524-1692. If you are interested in helping cats, please fill out the form (black button below) and we will contact you. For more information about adoption, go to our “Adopt a Pet” page.
Some of ARK’s adopted pets: Reuben, French Fry, Hammer
ARK’s Partners
ARK’s Local Business Membership Partners
Every year, area businesses partner with ARK to provide benefits for our members. The businesses to the right offer discounts with our membership coupon. We want to thank those businesses for their continuing support.
Please “shop local” to help them and all the businesses in our community.
Riverside Animal Clinic
Nolin River Hardware
Dennison’s Roadside Market
Murray’s Restaurant
Autumn Rose Dog Training
Hidden River Cave & American Cave Museum
Bobby Kessinger, Coldwell Banker