Let's Build on Nine Great Years of Doing This Together

In 2015, concerned animal lovers of Hart County came together to form Animal Rescue Kare, since the county lacked a shelter and had no coordinated way to care for lost, unwanted, abused or neglected animals. Since then, with all of us working together, we’ve been able to operate a successful spay-neuter voucher program, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) project for stray cats, Barn Cat program, Foster/adoption program, and educational outreach activities.

We promoted the establishment of the Hart County Animal Shelter and we are doing all we can to support its operations. The shelter deals with dogs only so ARK focuses its foster activities on cats. ARK volunteers continue our fundraising, our education and awareness campaigns, and our SNR program with its low-cost spay/neuter voucher sales. Our TNR program is also working to humanely trap, neuter and return cats to their outdoor colonies. We urge you to report the location of cat colonies for TNR. We use this information to assist our new coordinator for the TNR program.

Please refer dog surrender and dog foster-related questions to the Hart County Animal Shelter: 270-524-1692 telephone or hartanimalshelter@gmail.com by email.

Volunteer Positions for Improving Animal Welfare in our Community

We always in need of volunteers. Please consider working on one of ARK’s committees or tackling one of these important jobs.

** Jobs needed right now!

**Member of Board of Directors - help plan ARK’s activities and approve expenses as part of ARK’s working board.

Volunteer Coordinator - Work with new volunteers and committee chairs to find the perfect fit for everyone.

SNR Coordinator - Plan and coordinate the sale of ARK’s popular spay-neuter vouchers, working with local vets, volunteers, and the community.

Feline Foster Coordinator - Work with volunteer pet foster homes to accept cats and kittens into the program, arrange for necessary medical care including spay-neuter, advertise and promote adoptions.

**Fundraising - Make sure ARK has the funds necessary to carry on its mission, working with volunteers and the community.

TNR Coordinator - Work with the public to locate and trap feral cats, arrange for spay-neuter, provide overnight care, and return them to their outdoor home or another suitable situation.

ARK Board Chair and Vice Chair - Coordinate ARK’s activities, serve on all committees, and manage monthly BOD meetings.

ARK Board Secretary - Take minutes at board meetings, and help publish the agenda.

**ARK Board Treasurer - Keep accurate records of income and expenses, report to the board monthly and to the public at the annual meeting. Pay all bills in a timely manner.

**Communications Director - Make sure ARK’s interface with the public is positive, professional, and addresses our mission.

Membership Coordinator - Keeps track of all donations made by members, donors, and sponsors. Sends out quarterly newsletters, membership materials, and timely reminders for membership renewal.

Technology Coordinator - Maintains and updates the ARK website, Facebook page, and Instragram account.

ARK Youth Ambassador Committee Chair - work with schools for informational programs and manage ARK’s Youth Ambassador program.

Grant Writer - Seek out grant opportunities and write grants to help fulfill our mission.

Hart County Animal Shelter Liaison - work with county officials and shelter staff to support the shelter with materials, volunteers, and ideas.

ARK’s Treasurer’s Report for 2024

All of ARK’s programs were fully funded in 2024, thanks to the generosity of donors, members, and sponsors. As usual, our greatest expense was for vet care: $59,460.  Our 3 big programs require medical care including spay-neuter and rabies shots: low-cost Spay-Neuter-Rabies (SNR) voucher sales to the general public, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for stray cats, and foster pet care. 

We put $20,000 in a 7-month CD at Peoples Bank in Munfordville to earn interest.  We did this with the assurance that we could access the funds if needed for emergencies. 

We continue to support the Hart County Animal Shelter in many ways, but they never requested the money we budgeted for 2024 ($10,000.)  We contributed over $29,000 in 2023; they had the remainder of those funds in reserve to use as needed this past year.  One of our BOD members is working hard to raise money for the new shelter. We also help with volunteers, publicity, and fundraising.

Income came from donations/memberships, sponsorships, interest on the CD, adoption fees, voucher purchases, 5K race fees, and merch sales. ARK was awarded a $2,000 grant for spay-neuter in 2024 from the Central Kentucky Community Foundation, but funds won't be used until 2025.   Adoption fees partially cover the cost of foster care. Voucher sales pay for a small portion of the spay-neuter costs. Expenses exceed income for those two programs.

In addition to vet fees, expenses include foster care, printing, mailing, website costs, accounting needs, educational materials/experiences, insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses. We look forward to another year of helping our furry friends, with your support.   Janet Kistler, ARK Treasurer

Click to see ARK’s 2025 Budget