ARK SNR Voucher Event
10:00 AM10:00

ARK SNR Voucher Event

  • Munfordville Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Get a low-cost spay-neuter voucher for your pets at ARK’s SNR voucher event. The vouchers for cats ($35) and dogs ($50) can be used at the Riverside Animal Clinic, Country Critters in Elizabethtown, and the Leitchfield Veterinary Clinic. Due to the number of available appointments, there will be a limit of 2 per household. Hart County residents only. We will also sell $25 cat vouchers for use at BRAWA in Glasgow.

The event will be held at the Munfordville Baptist Church, rear entrance to the gym. These vouchers are for use in January, February, and March.

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